Rev. Tim Vander Haar
Senior Minister
Rev. Tim leads our faith community in worship: during our Sunday morning worship service at 10:30, in leading a discussion group about the Bible passages for the day at 9:30 Sunday mornings, and in visiting with members of our church family in hospital care or homebound. As a part of our various departments and committees Rev. Tim guides our congregation in the administration of our work as a congregation – as together we walk in God’s ways, committing ourselves to serve the world God loves. Whether you have a question about your own unique spiritual journey, or wish to discuss issues of faith, hope, and justice in our wider community, you can contact Rev. Tim at the church office.

Ann Taylor
Office Administrator
Office Administrator Ann uses her gifts of organization and genuine care to coordinate volunteers, track member information, and make our church a hospitable place for all. If you have something to post in our weekly worship service bulletin or our monthly Pilgrim Post newsletter, Ann oversees the production of those publications. Any questions you may have regarding the church or its many programs, just call Ann at the church office. She will help you connect with the right information or people to help.
The Main Office is open: Monday and Thursdays from 9am to 4pm, and Tuesdays from 9am-1pm. You may contact Ann on our business cell phone line at 231-260-8559 when she is not in the office.

Dr. Michael Match
Director of Music
Dr. Match directs our music program here at FCC Muskegon. His strong belief in music as a way to enrich the worship experience for our congregation continues the long tradition of extraordinary music in this church. He oversees our Motet Choir, an ensemble of 50 singers that presents a variety of choral music on Sundays from September through May, the Canterbury Bells handbell ensemble, and our community youth arts program. Dr. Match’s dedication to excellence and accessible, effective teaching methods have kept our music program on a path of growth. If you have questions or are interested in making connections to God’s message through music, contact
Dr. Match.

Elisabeth Major
Business Administrator
Elisabeth handles all financial, contributions, payroll, and business relationship transactions for our church. She assists the church Treasurer in reporting on our financial status and preparing our annual budget. Elisabeth also serves as our wedding hostess and coordinates scheduling for use of the building for all events, meetings, and classes, whether for member groups or use by others in our wider community. So if you have questions about gifts and contributions, want to setup automated giving, or would like to schedule your wedding or other event at our beautiful facilities, contact Elisabeth.
Harley Obzut, Mike Frasier
Facilities Managers
Harley draws on his experience to manage the ongoing task of maintaining our beautiful building and grounds. He works with the weekday volunteers who regularly help with the painting, repairing, mowing, and other odd jobs that keep our grounds and building spaces looking so lovely. Harley works alongside our Business Administrator to build vendor relationships and secure cost savings for our church. He sees that the weekday set-up, security, and operations of our facilities are in place for the many events and programs happening here.
Mike is our weekend facilities manager, working on the custodial and maintenance tasks to make sure that weekend events such as our monthly Saturday Breakfast and monthly Mobile Food Pantry, special events, weddings, memorial services, concerts, and our regular Sunday morning in-person services are able to take place in a clean, comfortable, and welcoming space.

John Mattson
John brings his extensive experience and wonderful artistry to our organ and keyboard instruments. His music not only adds to our Sunday morning worship experience – John accompanies the Motet Choir and our Youth Alive Choir in rehearsal during the week, and is active with the Muskegon Chamber Choir as well. John also can work with you to select and provide music for your wedding or memorial service.